Apo E Test Information

Useful information about the Apo E Test

What is Apo E?

Apo E, or Apolipoprotein E, is a protein made by the body that is important for the production of lipoproteins, a transporter of fats and lipids in the bloodstream. It is encoded by the APOE gene.

What is the Apo E Test?

The Apo E test is a genetic blood test that checks for the presence of specific Apo E genetic mutations such as E2/E2.

Why is the Apo E Test important?

It is thought that certain Apo E mutation types might respond differently to medications like statins or to dietary interventions. Additionally, the Apo E test is sometimes used to diagnose people with a specific lipid disorder called Type III Hyperlipoproteinemia. Additionally, there may be some role in Apo E Testing in staging future risk for Alzheimer's disease.

What is the procedure for an Apo E Test?

The Apo E Test is a blood test. To get one, you have to find a doctor or lab to draw your blood.

Who should get an Apo E Test?

An Apo E Test is recommended for anyone with an unusual lipid profile, people with relatives with the genetic mutation, or anyone just curious given the linkage with lipid abnormalities and the the possible correlation between the Apo E mutation and Alzheimer's.

Will my insurance cover an Apo E Test?

Insurance plans vary widely. You would have to check with your insurance.
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